Monday, December 8, 2008

Several things on my mind tonight:

1. I bought new deodorant today, the first time since moving. I was hoping I could hold out until I got back to the states next week, but I didn't think I could go that long without antiperspirant. Unfortunately (for me), most Europeans use spray-on which is completely unattractive to me. I don't like most things aerosol, and how it floats around in the air after a spray. My deodorant floating in the air is definitely unappealing. So anyways, there was only one roll-on kind available, which I went for. However, it's the most perfumey smell I've ever worn and every once in a while when I get a wiff of my armpit I feel like I have to sneeze. 

2. I really enjoy ordering hot chocolate at a cafe that serves the whipped cream on the side. What a treat! It's like 2 delicacies for the price of one. Sip of hot chocolate, spoonful of whipped cream, sip of hot chocolate, spoonful of whipped cream...

3. Advertisers in Amsterdam can stay. In the states, advertising for stores, clubs, deals, etc consists of a flier on your windshield. I always hated getting in my car, turning onto the road, and realizing that there was a piece of paper under my windshield wiper. However, since cycling rules in Amsterdam, advertisers put seat covers on bikes. This is not annoying at all! In fact, when it starts raining while you're inside studying and you begrudgingly step out to your bicycle and realize there's a seat cover on it, it's pretty much a gift from God. 

4. Tomorrow I give an extremely brief introduction of my thesis topic to the other students and professors within my program. I have a decent idea of what I'll do, but am still feeling a bit unsure. Maybe it's just insecurities. It's times like this that I feel a bit like a fake. Do people know that I almost never went to class in my undergrad? That I only speak one language? That I like tv shows and books about high schoolers' love lives? Do they know that I have absolutely no professional experience besides being a professional volunteer? I keep reminding myself that my MA thesis doesn't have to change the world, I'm just entering into the discussion on a specific topic. And will I be disappointed if all I do is give a voice to someone who's being oppressed, or who's being treated unjustly? The bridge between my compassion and academia is an interesting one. I'm still not sure what it looks like. 


Anonymous said...

1. that is extremely unfortunate, because i would hate to use spray on deoderant, so i see where you're coming from.

2. that sounds absolutely delicious and i'm jealous.

3. at least the advertising is convenient..unlike here where it's the opposite. and whoever thought of that idea is brilliant.

4. i'm sure you'll do great. clearly you're not a fake since you're pursuing this furthered education!

5. i love you're new blog pic, and i love you!

lorah said...

ummmm...pretty much loving the "gift from god seatcover, whipped cream and aerosol deoderant" descriptions. made me smile. you make me smile. :)