Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm joining in the fun.

Here's the idea:
1. Write down sensory memories from childhood/life. smell, touch, sight, hearing, taste 2. Think about sayings you heard often/ lyrics from songs, like... "don't let the bed bugs bite" "safely in his bosom gather" 3. Think about things you smelled, food, mom's perfume, or the feeling of a family blanket 4. Write the senses down, don't explain them, but be detailed. Don't just say, "I am from dad saying " I love you more than the stars" say instead "I am from "I love you more than the stars." 5. Put "I am from" before your memories. List some together.

I am from...

I am from tummy rubs and sweetheart of Sigma Chi
I am from bear country and scotch soaked ice cubes
I am from Grant Boulevard, bases loaded, and who can be the quietest
I am from Allie-booly and blue floral dresses
I am from tractors in the snow and thriller on tape
I am from nowIlaymes and goodnight light and the red balloon
I am from superman ice cream, indian vests, and shrimp coming out of my ears
I am from a single with cheese and the first avenue pool
I am from well water, swingsets, and corn on the cob
I am from deer hunts and when the lights go down in the city
I am from root beer floats and shuffle ball changes
I am from dance magic dance and pigs in a blanket
I am from Michigan rummy, cherry bombs, and everyone makes mistakes
I am from homemade dress up and breakfast for dinner
I am from little hugs and emory adams
I am from pedal to the metal, cover girl, and Chrissy MacGyver
I am from TGIF and TCBY
I am from spearmint gum and soap foam beards
I am from air guitar, knives, and three little fishies in an itty bitty pool

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