Monday, November 3, 2008

So close!

Tomorrow's election day! It's about now that I wish I still had my "I wish I could vote everyday but I'll settle for Nov. 2nd" shirt, except I'd have to write in Nov. 4th of course. I'm excited! It's been a gift to be somewhat separated from all the ugliness and any division the race has caused, and also to realize how important this is to the entire world. I've been invited to about 5 different election watching parties, hosted mostly by non-Americans. The whole world is watching! In fact, my friend Pamela from Quebec said she couldn't sleep last night and was in tears about the possibilities before Americans with this one election. I've also been given permission to miss class on Wednesday morning as my professor believes this is an historic event. 
So, I have no intention of making this a political blog, but as important as this is to internationals, I hope Americans see it as even more important. And if you're the praying kind, I hope you've been asking for direction in your convictions. 
Perhaps it's from studying social policy for the past few months, or watching the shock and awe in people's expressions when I describe the condition of poor neighborhoods in the US (and it's not just the scandinavians!) but I hope for and really do trust there will be reform of our welfare system over the next 4 years. I admit I might have socialist tendencies, though not the radical kind that we probably should be fearful. But the kind that is willing to pay a little more so inner city kids can have the same education as those in the mostly white burbs, and so the poor aren't continually losing in the process of urban renewal, and so people that can't get jobs with benefits are able to still afford to go to the doctor, or bring a baby into the world for that matter. 
I understand as people that follow Jesus there is no candidate that represents the Kingdom of God fully because we do in fact only have ONE savior. I also know that everyone has different convictions about how to best love our communities and our world...but sharing resources and breaking down the rich v. poor that's sadly made the U.S. infamous around the world is definitely one of mine. Of course, I don't think one policy change or newly elected official will make a complete difference, but I think it's wise to at least vote in that direction.
So whatever your convictions, I pray today that they're in you because of what the Lord is doing, not because of what ads are saying, or your parents think, or what you THINK you should care about. Make it between you and the Lord, and be excited to express yourself tomorrow!
Happy E-Day!

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