Friday, September 19, 2008

An exhaustive update on the past several days...

The weeks here are flying. I feel like I get caught up on life, take a breath, and it's already the weekend again! My days are filled with class, reading at the library between class, reading at my house after class, and winding down with friends (including my delightful roommate) at night. I'm still adjusting to having the majority of my schoolwork be outside of the classroom, and am constantly fighting to stay motivated. There's just so much to take in in a new place!
Truly though, my classes are wonderful! I feel so privileged to be studying alongside people with all different worldviews and backgrounds. And I'm really learning about the history of the Netherlands and the issues facing the Dutch people today, as most of my professors have done a majority of their research here. I feel like I'm beginning to understand the new world around me!
Some days are a bit overwhelming though. It's funny that being a sociologist, you aren't meant to solve problems really, just ask questions in order that other people can potentially solve the problems. But I ache for an answer at times! I know problems like migration of women from the third world to the first world, and the integration of Muslims in Amsterdam, and the individualization (not individualism...) in western societies don't have easy answers, but the more my hope is buried by questions, the more frustrated I sometimes become. But I think that's an okay response...?
So, when not analyzing the world, I've really been enjoying my time with new friends! My fellow "SPSW" students are becoming a little community, and I'm loving it! We got together last weekend, and have a dinner party coming up this week. It's great to spend time together outside of class, and not in the queue for coffee.
Sunday I took a day trip with Hillary and Anais to Utrecht to see a new part of Holland. I kept hearing it was "just like Amsterdam but smaller", but it really had it's own distinct flavor. A quaint town with tons of shops (closed on Sunday of course) and a great museum! And the road along the main canal was gorgeous. There also happened to be a festival going on, so we got to partake in an opera performance on the canal! We kept saying how perfect of a day it was...really relaxing, beautiful weather, surprise opera performance...on and on and on.
Really, Amsterdam is beginning to feel normal to me...and I'm beginning to be normal in Amsterdam. I'm continuing to pray that I'm seeing what God's seeing, and how he's moving. And now that it's officially been a month since I've been here (!!) I'm asking the Lord what he'd have me do I slowly begin coming out of the settling in stage. I'm praying for a greater gift of courage and boldness, to ask hard questions and to be more intentional. I'm also praying for humility, to really listen to other people regardless if I agree with what they're saying. And that I learn to not be defensive, but still truth telling. It's quite the challenge!
As always, thanks for your love!

Oh, and one more bit of normalcy! Brooke and I are off to see Bon Iver tonight! Even though I saw him just 2 months ago in Columbus, I couldn't pass it up. I'll report back...

1 comment:

lorah said...

i wish i was there with you tonight at the concert allie...well, tonight and for all the other things as well! love you! enjoy the beautiful music, and the most beautiful amsterdam this weekend.