Friday, September 26, 2008

And will I be invited to the sound?

I had a conversation with a friend today on the Kingdom of God, and what it means when heaven breaks in on earth. This was just a piece of our discussion, but it got me thinking. I didn't have words at first to describe it in it's fullness, that it isn't just things being better than they are now, but actually completely made new. Yet, when someone that's hungry is fed, or is sick and is healed...that's part of the kingdom coming too. Perhaps it's my habit of talking rapidly when I'm passionate about something...but I felt like I was talking and talking, but not getting to the point. And as two people that are tired of religion, I was disappointed that the explanations that came to mind still were slightly bathed in religious jargin. Some of my favorite ways to imagine the kingdom come, as poetic as they might be, are extremely esoteric. And how available the Kingdom of God is! 

Even in my explanation of this conversation, I'm not sure of my point (perhaps to hear your insight!). But it was powerful today, as messy as it was. 

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