Saturday, June 6, 2009

My brother gets married in 2 weeks. I can't believe it! It's hard to remember he's making a huge commitment, completely beginning a new life and not just having a big party in Iceland. I've been overly emotional about it. I'm incredibly excited, his wife-to-be is absolutely wonderful and sweet and kind, and I've always wanted a sister. I spent my childhood hoping for a sister. Literally my whole childhood was spent with my two brothers and family friends who mostly only had sons (besides a few exceptions). So, having another girl around will be a delight! So, I'm not sad. My emotions have been more related to how overwhelmingly thankful I am, I think. 

I feel so thankful for Drew. Luckily, I don't think he knows about my blog, so I can talk about him without him being super embarrassed. He's honestly one of the most kind, friendly, brilliant, witty, talented people I know. He's someone that you want to be around. He makes you feel like you matter. It's fun to have grown up with him. To remember him at his worst and at his best. To have spent some of my most fun times with him, laughing literally for hours and being complete idiots, and to have spent the absolute hardest times with him, crying together for hours.

Drew's so talented and yet so humble about it. There's not much he's done that he hasn't been incredibly successful in...but you don't always know that...and I'm not sure he even recognizes it. And he's extremely genuine and caring, nearly always considering people's thoughts and feelings before his own. 

I'm thankful too for the way his life has been protected. There were many times that something awful could have happened, but somehow a friend was there at the right time, or he had a girlfriend that wasn't afraid to give him a shot, or a police officer recognized him from being in a band, or he was just miraculously okay...and it's just such evidence how precious his life is to the Lord. 

So, I'm thankful. That I get to do life with him. That I get to be his sister. That I get to be there as he enters into a new life with Sola. It's exciting!

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