Since I still don't know how to add music to a post, here's some videos. The first one's from a take away show with la blogotheque and the second is her new video from her upcoming album.
We ran into some friends at the show and ended up going out to a bar nearby afterwards. Somehow it happened to be music pub trivia night and it was absolutely hilarious. I don't think I've heard so many awful songs in one night. I hardly knew any of them, and I think that makes me the true winner. Our team had a lot of fun attempting to guess though, and relied on our only Dutch teammate for all the Dutch songs. Sadly he moved to the States before he was two and wasn't much help. We walked away in last place, but felt we made a valiant effort!
i remember once you were riding in my car and there was a song on this mixed cd i had that you really liked. it was St. Vincent.
I love that Laurie!
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