Friday, October 10, 2008

First, I’m writing as procrastination. Just to be honest.

Also, I’m feeling a bit homesick this week. It’s always a fleeting feeling as I absolutely love being in Amsterdam and feel there’s nowhere else I’m supposed to be right now, but it’s painful when it strikes. It’s kind of an achy feeling for the familiar and for people that love me so well.

But with that said, I feel so grateful for the friends I have here too. People that I hardly know that are beginning to feel like family. I was able to have heartfelt conversations with Hilary, Sara, Sirpa, and Rachel this week about our families, about our pasts, about being away from home, about faith, about our dreams. It’s exciting when friendships go the step beyond meeting for coffee or beer and talking about common interests…or schoolwork.

It’s a gift to worship with the Utrecht Vineyard folks here too. They have been incredibly warm to us and so generous. I’m excited to see what the Lord does, and what comes out of, our two groups becoming one.

So, as a bike has become my main mode of transportation I no longer go on “rides”. But there’s still something great about riding at night. As it’s getting darker earlier and earlier, I’m now finding myself riding around at night just going to and from places…to my excitement! There’s nothing quite like quiet streets, moonlight, and bikes. It’s likely that rain would change my opinion, but I’m trying to stay positive.

People have been asking if Amsterdam has fall, and what it's like. Well, Amsterdam definitely has just isn't quite as distinct as in Ohio. Nevertheless, the leaves still change color, the air still is crisp, the sky is still bright bright blue. The season looks good on Amsterdam. I'll try to take some pictures to share!

On that note, another random piece of information: I deeply believe that music is made for seasons. And fall has some of the greatest music! Anything with a banjo or finger-picking usually satisfies. I’ve also been listening to a lot of my dear friend Blake’s music (who is working on a new album!) and whom I am now shamelessly plugging. He’s talented. Give a listen! So, he might actually think his music is more winter, in which I’m sorry Blake for overstepping.


Thanks friends for reading what I write. For doing life with me from abroad!

1 comment:

rachel joy baransi said...

oh i love you allie! and you have great taste in music, i played the link for your friend (who is wonderful) and julia said, "allie just knows everyone!!" :)