Thursday, September 11, 2008

That which is engineered.

For the other My Utmost for His Highest devotees, you'll already know about yesterday's little quip about worshipping in everyday occasions. He said something to the effect that to be ready for big things, or for crisis, or in order not to miss out on the fullness of what God would have for us, we should be doing that which is closest to us, which God has "engineered" into our lives. 

I've been praying for a while now (perhaps since I started following Jesus) that I'd see the world in light of the Kingdom. And typically I'd say that I am nearsighted, not seeing beyond what's in front of me...but in this text it seems that Chambers is commissioning us TO see what's right in front of us, but with different eyes. 

It's been a busy past couple of days as Brooke and I moved into our new little place (an exciting part of the moving to Amsterdam process!), we spent Saturday at Ikea (a store that is incredibly capable of furnishing an entire house...right down to a french press), enjoyed tapas with my new friends hilary and anais, wrote my first master's essay on what I view as the 3 biggest urban social problems today, have begun categorizing european welfare states according to their social policy regime and reading all authors that have ever had an opinion on this topic (luckily the amsterdam public library is delightful!), finally found school supplies on the top floor of a department store (with folders starting at 5 euro) after a week long search, had our first small group with some friends from the Utrecht Vineyard (which was a definite treat), and am now off to finally purchase some sort of carrier for my bike, explore the museums of amsterdam, and hopefully find a place to get my haircut before meeting up with friends for a live radio show tonight. 

With lots of new things going on, it's so easy to go from errand, to studying, to sleeping, to eating, to biking, to new friends...without ever pausing to see things in full. I'm praying I can continue to do what I'm doing (as I believe it HAS been engineered by God), but that I will see the kingdom in it. I want to see the mundane as purposeful, as life is purposeful and all of these little things culminate into life. 

and now i'm off to find phone minutes, as my cheap prepaid phone has just run out and there are several calls to make! 

thinking of you all today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

allie...i'm so glad to hear that things are going great for you!
and even though you sound busy, it also sounds like you are having an amazing time!
your pics from sailing are beautiful, i can't wait to see more pics from amsterdam.
i love you soo much and i'm praying for you everyday!!!!!!
-love kaitlyn jones